Breakfast time becomes family time.
General Mills asked our team to find opportunities to elevate breakfast in a way that is uniquely Cheerios. While working on the project, our research pointed to three truths:
1. Cheerios has always been a family brand that’s relevant across all lifestages.
3. Studies have also shown that physically and emotionally healthy families eat together regularly.
2. Today’s families are so busy and stressed that the idea of gathering for a simple meal can be overwhelming.
Dinner has always been considered the family meal in American culture, and yet, it’s probably the most difficult for today’s families to attain. Parents are working longer hours than ever before and kids are over scheduled with after-school activities. We set out to position Cheerios in this conversation by introducing families to the possibilities of breakfast. It’s the perfect time to come together: we all wake up in the same place at the same time, there’s a wide variety of easy options, and our conversations can become more aspirational – focused on the day ahead, as opposed to the day that past.
Enter the Family Dinner Project.
Our goal was to elevate breakfast. So we partnered with The Family Dinner Project, a Boston non-profit dedicated to helping families access the benefits of shared mealtime through food, fun, and conversation about things that matter.
Together, we created the Family Breakfast Project.
It’s an opportunity for families to connect over breakfast via a seven day guide filled with games, recipes, and activities designed to make breakfast easy, meaningful, and fun.
We redesigned to be the home of the Family Breakfast Project and other ongoing content programs.
“The Family Breakfast Project takes the Cheerios experience beyond physical nourishment to one that nourishes relationships.”
“ pure a case of a win-win you’ll see in the realm of corporate social marketing.”
“The pitch is for something bigger than just a bowl of cereal.”
“Cheerios is making powerful strides to increase the positive influence of their brand, starting with the family breakfast experience.”